Chandigarh :
Dr Ashok Vijh, the distinguished alumnus of the Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh has been bestowed with the prestigious Gold Medal by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers of U.S.A,( IEEE, USA) Section Montreal, Canada for the year 2023.The reward is given by IEEE Montreal Section to its most active and great achievers members who had done excellent work with impact on national and global technological and educational advancement in their long career path.
Dr. Ashok Vijh is presently Maitre-de-recherche at the lnstitut de recherché d’Hydro-Qu1bec and was concomitantly the invited Professor at the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) of Universite du Quebec, both in Varennes , Qc., Canada. Panjab University is the proud institute from where he had completed his B Sc.(Hons), M.Sc.(Hons) and Honorary D.Sc.
Dr.Ashok Vijh’s careerhas a glorified journey of exalted academic and research contributions. He is an electrochemist of international stature who has published 416 refereed papers and eight books on diverse areas of interfacial electrochemistry, fuel cells, hydrogen electrolysers, advanced batteries and photo electrochemistry. Dr. Vijh has received well over 60 distinctions from all over the globe recognizing his contributions to science.He is the recipient of Lash Miller Award (1973) and the Electrochemistry Award and gold medal (2018) of the Canadian section by the Electrochemical society for his seminal work in the area.He was the youngest winner of the I.W. Killam Memorial Prize-the highest Canadian prize in any field of science– of the Canada Council in 1987. He was the first physical scientist to become a Knight of the national order of Quebec in 1987, promoted to the rank of officer in 2008. He was decorated as an officer of the order of Canada in 1990. He received the Golden Jubilee Medal (2002) and the Diamond Jubilee Medal QAQ) from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.He was also recognized by the highest prize of ACFAS-Prix Archambault and the highest Quebec prize-Prix du Quebec-Prix Marie-Victorin”.In 2022, he was made an honorary fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering-the highest honour of that academy. Dr Vijh is one of the most celebrated and decorated alumunus of the Panjab university.